
The mission of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore is to preserve the outstanding natural features along 65 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, in order to perpetuate the natural setting for the benefit and enjoyment of the public, and to protect the natural and historic features from developments and inappropriate uses that would destroy their scenic, scientific, historic, and recreational value.

About Us

The National Park Service Service Sleeping Bear Dunes is a National Lakeshore rich in coastal natural resources, history, and heritage. Enjoy the dunes and scenic shoreline, while exploring fisheries commercial fishing history interpreted with the vessel Aloha and with The Cannery Boat Museum.

Visit our website to learn and explore more about  the miles of sand beach, bluffs that tower 450’ above Lake Michigan, lush forests, clear inland lakes, unique flora and fauna make up the natural world of Sleeping Bear Dunes. High dunes afford spectacular views across the lake. An island lighthouse, US Life-Saving Service stations, coastal villages, and picturesque farmsteads reflect the park’s rich maritime, agricultural, and recreational history. 

Merrith Baughman, Chief of Interpretation